Hi, I am Matt Storace and I am a former personal trainer and founder of Beast Biceps. We had to find ways to train at home. When I started looking for the equipment I needed, I quickly realized that there were no good resources online. So I created Beast Biceps. It is a treasure trove of information developed from my experience and research.
Beast Biceps aims to become the most authoritative online source of reviews on fitness, sports, and everything related to wellness that can be purchased online, our goal is to save you time when researching what to buy by doing extensive research at your place.
We work totally independently without editorial interference, this means that the products we review are totally free of conflict of interest, we only use rigorous testing and factual data, if you want more information on the methodology we use to review the products go to ‘specific section.
If as a reader you choose to buy a product that we review and consider the best in its category, to remain independent there is the possibility that a small commission will be attributed to each purchase, to prevent any conflict of interest with our publishers who deal with drafting and writing articles for Beast Biceps, for us there is no incentive to choose a product that expires, in fact, if a buyer chooses to make a refund we do not receive a commission, which is why we always choose the best and we are oriented towards excellence.